S shape representing Sattrix
We Serve, We Prove, We Repeat
We Stood STRONG with Your Support and Confidence

Nobody can forget the year ‘2020’. We welcomed it with great joy as we were entering a new decade. However, little did we know what 2020 had in for us. Last year was tough for everyone, but we stood firm and unflinching in the hard times.

Sattrix’s Unflinching Journey of 2020

During the pandemic’s initial days, just like other businesses, we were also facing challenges to adapt to the new work environment. Obviously, we were missing working from the office and our little get-togethers. Then also, we stayed connected via Microsoft Teams and Webex Calls. Our wonderful employees planned out everything so efficiently and managed to deliver the best service. Due to our hard work, we ensured our partners trust us during uncertain times and convinced them to help each other become more vital than ever.

For a cybersecurity company like us, it was difficult to set up a remote team as initially we were facing communication and management issues, but with the efforts of our incredible team, we were not only able to set up but expand a brilliant remote team. As a managed security services provider, how can we overlook our strong delivery, team’s efforts to communicate coherently, plan out resources to manage and run the business efficiently?

What did we learn from 2020?

Unquestionably 2020 impacted all the aspects of our lives, and the dramatic drop in the business due to lockdown was not an optimistic scenario for the economy. But 2020 also taught us lessons that we won’t forget for life!

  1. Mental health is important: Before 2020, mental health was often overlooked at all workplaces, but now a new standard has been set in the companies where employees’ mental health is considered necessary.
  2. Empathy: Empathy for employees heightened as they managed personal and professional obligations at the same time. When you show compassion towards your employees, overall unity is achieved while creating a friendly and productive working environment.
  3. Priorities: Pandemic has shined a light on every company’s importance and, ultimately, where should they lie! The employees, customers, and community should be the priority of every company.
  4. Provide health support: We at Sattrix made sure that we followed and considered all the healthcare protocols. COVID-19 shows us that now is the time for companies to show care for their employees.
  5. Put employees first: During the hard times of the global pandemic where everyone has been affected adversely and was uncertain of maintaining their livelihoods, many corporates had laid off people. Many big companies either laid off people or reduced the salaries, or didn’t pay their employees on time. But how could we do this to our employees after they were putting so much effort into the business? Where employees of various companies were facing salary cut-offs, we are proud to say that we neither laid-off people nor there were salary pay cuts because we believe that trust is a two-way street.

Due to all the hard work put forward by our excellent team, our business took a high road. Definitely, business took a hit due to the global pandemic, but still, we are happy that it was a steady growth compared to the previous year in uncertain times.

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