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Assessment Services


Expert assessment guidance for a secure future.

In today's digital age, businesses are becoming increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats. With the rise of sophisticated cyber-attacks, safeguarding digital assets has become more challenging than ever. The good news is that the proper advisory support can help businesses overcome these challenges.

Our advisory services provide expert guidance on the assessments and remediations required to enhance your cybersecurity posture. Our cybersecurity professionals offer strategic recommendations, risk assessments, and proactive solutions tailored to your organization's specific needs. They evaluate the effectiveness of existing security controls, policies, and procedures, identifying vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. This process helps mitigate risks and stay one step ahead of attack vectors.

Our advisory and assessment services also provide you with a fresh perspective and unbiased analysis of your cybersecurity practices. We enable you to develop robust cybersecurity strategies, implement effective risk management frameworks, and establish a culture of security awareness within your organization. By partnering with experienced and one of the best cybersecurity services provider in India, you can gain access to their wealth of knowledge, industry best practices, and cutting-edge technologies.

With the guidance and support of our assessment advisory experts, you can confidently navigate the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape and safeguard your critical assets.

Assessment & Advisory Services

Why choose Sattrix as your Assessment Services partner?

  • Actionable gap analysis
  • Structured security roadmap
  • Tangible security outcomes
The Most Critical

Concerns We Address

Your Cybersecurity Concerns, Our Top Priority.

Lack of Expert Insights and Guidance

Organizations often struggle with the lack of expert insights and guidance to navigate the complex digital landscape riddled with numerous cybersecurity risks and challenges. This can result in inadequate protection against threats and vulnerabilities, leaving your valuable assets at risk. Our team of experts, with deep knowledge gained through a decade of experience, provides actionable insights and guidance to help you understand your organization’s unique cybersecurity risks, industry-specific challenges, and best practices to adopt to mitigate threats. By leveraging our advisory expertise, you can make informed decisions and develop data-driven strategies to enhance your organization's security posture.

Unidentified Risk Landscape and Management

Today's Businesses face an ever-evolving and complex risk landscape that includes known and unknown vulnerabilities. Taking proactive measures to identify and manage these risks is crucial to prevent potential cybersecurity threats from escalating into major security incidents. Our advisors identify and evaluate potential cybersecurity risks, enabling you to understand the impact and likelihood of various risks. This helps you prioritize and allocate resources effectively, develop risk mitigation strategies, and implement robust controls to reduce the probability and impact of security incidents. Our comprehensive assessment and advisory experts help you stay a step ahead of potential threats and secure in today’s risk landscape.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

As compliance and regulatory requirements become increasingly stringent, many organizations find it challenging to meet these obligations. Compliance has become a top priority for businesses, as non-adherence could lead to severe monetary penalties, reputational loss, and other serious consequences. With over ten years of experience working with organizations from different industries and geographies, our specialists work with you to identify any compliance gaps and offer recommendations that help you meet and maintain all necessary regulatory obligations, safeguarding you against potential penalties and reputational harm.

No Incident Response Planning

The lack of a well-defined incident response plan poses a significant risk for businesses in the event of a cybersecurity breach. Your organization will struggle to respond effectively, leading to prolonged downtime, financial losses, and complete disruption of operations. Additionally, it creates a chaotic and confusing environment, with employees being unsure about their responsibilities during the breach. Our assessment advisors help you build and test incident response plans to ensure their efficiency. They provide valuable guidance on detection, containment, and recovery processes during security incidents, empowering your business to swiftly respond and mitigate the impact of cybersecurity incidents with a well-defined, structured IR plan.

Let's discuss your cybersecurity needs.

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Assessment Services


Access to Expertise

We provide you with access to a team of highly skilled and experienced cybersecurity professionals. These experts possess specialized knowledge and stay updated with new industry trends, emerging threats, and best practices. Leveraging their expertise allows you access to their wealth of knowledge and valuable insights to address their cybersecurity challenges effectively.


Cost Efficiency

Outsourcing advisory services assessments can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house cybersecurity team. It eliminates the need for hiring, training, and retaining cybersecurity professionals, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Outsourcing the process to Sattrix allows you to leverage the expertise of our external consultants on a project basis, optimizing costs while receiving comprehensive advisory services.


Objectivity & Unbiased Assessment

We offer an unbiased and objective assessment of your business's cybersecurity posture. We bring a fresh perspective and can identify gaps or weaknesses that may have been overlooked internally. With an impartial viewpoint, our advisors provide honest feedback and recommendations, helping your business address vulnerabilities and improve cybersecurity practices.


Enhanced Focus on Core Competencies

Cybersecurity can be complex and resource-intensive, diverting attention and resources from other critical business areas. By entrusting advisory services to our experts, your team can prioritize their core functions and focus on your core competencies and strategic initiatives while ensuring our specialized professionals address their cybersecurity needs.


Scalability and Flexibility

Outsourcing advisory services assessments offers scalability and flexibility benefits to businesses. As cybersecurity needs evolve, organizations may require additional resources or specialized expertise. We can quickly scale our service delivery capability to meet these changing requirements. Additionally, you have the flexibility to engage advisory services on-demand, depending on your specific needs and budget, without the long-term commitments associated with maintaining an in-house team.

Unique & Key

Features of this offering

Tailored Recommendations and Actionable Roadmap

Identify risks and provide actionable recommendations and a customized roadmap for security improvement.

Secure Architecture and Design Recommendations

Design and implement secure IT architectures to mitigate future risks.

Industry-Specific Compliance and Regulatory Guidance

Expertise in industry regulations (PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR) to achieve and maintain compliance.

Let's discuss your cybersecurity needs.

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Mapping Solutions Together

Assessment & Advisory Service Overlap

Penetration Testing

Identify weaknesses & reinforce defenses with expert guidance before real attacks occur.

Vulnerability Management

Turn vulnerabilities from threats to opportunities for improvement with prioritized patching & actionable insights.


Confidently navigate regulations with expert advice and chart your path to compliance.

IT Infrastructure Support

Optimize your infrastructure for maximum security with future-proof insights & advisory services.


Our Awards & Recognition

Emerging Company of the Year 2020-21
Best PS Partner 2022 Recognized By Splunk
Digital Industry Awards 2018
Best Emerging Technology of the Year 2018
Get Answers to

Frequently Asked Questions

Cybersecurity advisory services are essentially expert guidance and direction aimed at helping organizations improve their overall security posture. Advisors analyze your current security environment, identify vulnerabilities, and recommend tailored strategies for mitigation, enhancement, and ongoing security maintenance.

Well, our advisors can help you identify and prioritize security risks, develop a comprehensive security strategy that aligns with your business goals, implement effective security controls, stay informed about evolving threats, and build a culture of security within your organization.

It's important to consider factors like experience and expertise, methodology and approach, scalability and agility, communication and collaboration, and value and ROI when choosing a cybersecurity advisory firm.

Our advisory services typically cover key areas like threat intelligence, security architecture, incident response, compliance and regulations, and security awareness training.

We tailor our approach to seamlessly integrate with your existing security controls and posture. We analyze your current state, identify gaps, and recommend solutions that complement your existing infrastructure and processes.

Yes, we have advisors with extensive experience in various industries, understanding unique security challenges and regulations specific to your sector.

We follow a collaborative approach that involves discovery and assessment, analysis and recommendations, implementation and support, and continuous improvement.

Absolutely! We conduct in-depth assessments, consider your specific needs, risk profile, and industry context to present recommendations with the highest impact.

You'll receive comprehensive reports, security roadmaps, action plans, and optional customized training materials and security awareness programs.

We track key metrics aligned with your security goals, such as reduced vulnerability count, improved threat detection, and faster incident response times. We demonstrate the return on investment through cost savings from potential breaches and improved operational efficiency.

Yes, we offer ongoing support beyond initial assessments, including security monitoring and threat intelligence updates, vulnerability management and patching assistance, security awareness training and education programs, and regular consultations and reviews to adapt strategies to evolving threats.

Our services are scalable to adapt to your evolving needs and growth. We offer flexible engagement models and ongoing support to ensure your security adapts to changing threats and regulations.

Yes, we conduct comprehensive risk assessments using industry-standard frameworks and tools to identify critical vulnerabilities and prioritize mitigation efforts.

Yes, we can help you select security tools and technologies aligned with your needs and budget, implement and configure technologies for optimal effectiveness, and integrate solutions seamlessly with your existing infrastructure.

Yes, we offer combined packages that assess your security posture, provide tailored recommendations, and assist with implementation and ongoing support.

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