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A Hybrid Approach to SOC Management: The Best of Both Worlds.

Providing Managed SOC services for years, we understand the challenges organizations face while managing SOC operations in-house. These come in the form of controlling costs, hiring cybersecurity professionals, and maintaining an effective SOC environment. On the other hand, outsourcing the process entirely to a third-party provider may have you concerned about losing control over SOC operations or the security of sensitive data.

Our hybrid SOC management service offers the best of two worlds, bridging the gap between traditional in-house Security Operations Centers and outsourced security services provided by MSSP providers. As a trustworthy information security services provider, We offer a dynamic and comprehensive solution tailored to meet the diverse and evolving needs of modern enterprises.

The hybrid SOC model enables you to harness our specialized expertise, developed with a decade-long experience in the industry, equipped with dedicated resources and technologies while allowing you to leverage the nuanced understanding of infrastructure and operational nuances held by your internal teams. This symbiotic approach to managing cybersecurity enables you to craft a holistic security strategy that is agile, scalable, and highly effective.

Our solution is meticulously tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization. By seamlessly merging internal and external security operations, we help you build a robust, agile, and highly effective defense strategy against the dynamic challenges posed by today's threat landscape.

Hybrid SOC Management

Why choose Sattrix as your Cybersecurity Expertise partner?

  • Actionable gap analysis
  • Structured security roadmap
  • Tangible security outcomes
The Most Critical

Concerns We Address

Your Cybersecurity Concerns, Our Top Priority.

Limited In-House Expertise

One of the most pressing challenges organizations face is building a comprehensive in-house SOC team with specialized skills and technology. This can be a daunting task considering the dynamic threat landscape and the need for expertise in diverse security areas, including network, cloud, endpoints, and more. We help you adopt a suitable hybrid SOC model that allows you to supplement your in-house capability with external expertise customized to plug the proper gaps and meet all your business needs.

24/7 Monitoring & Response

The shortage of skilled security personnel and the increasing complexity of security technologies make it difficult for organizations to implement continuous threat monitoring and response controls. This leaves your infrastructure vulnerable to attacks. With hybrid SOC, you can set your external teams up to manage your cybersecurity when your internal teams are not working, thereby ensuring 24/7 surveillance and rapid incident response without additional burden on your internal teams and delivering consistent threat detection and mitigation.

Incident Response Coordination

One concern businesses have while working with external service providers is managing communication. Any delay in coordination or miscommunication can lead to inadequate response to incidents and crises. Our hybrid SOC support fosters progressive collaboration between internal and external teams. This ensures a cohesive and efficient response to incidents, scaling your incident and crisis management capability.

Security of Sensitive Data

Financial records, customer info, marketing strategies, and other data are actively pursued targets of threat actors. If such sensitive data is compromised, it can have devastating consequences for organizations and their customers. The potential risks involved make organizations apprehensive about delegating their data’s security to external providers. With hybrid SOC, you can have a holistic view of the security of your sensitive data with your internal team actively involved in it.

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Cybersecurity Expertise


Flexible Resource Allocation

The hybrid model allows you to allocate resources per fluctuating security demands and business needs. The optimized resource allocation process provides flexibility and scalability benefits to your security operations.


Collaborative Threat Hunting

The collaborative effort allows for proactive threat hunting by leveraging internal and external insights. Our cybersecurity experts work with your in-house team to identify potential threats before they escalate.


Continuous Skill Development

Partnership with us provides you with opportunities for skill enhancement and training. Our experts work with you to enhance your internal team’s skills and stay updated on cybersecurity trends.


Elevated SIEM Capabilities

Our hybrid support enhances your Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) performance through our team’s expertise and specialized techs, refining threat detection, reducing false positives, and improving IR efficiency.

Unique & Key

Features of this offering

Flexibility and Tailored Approach

Our Hybrid SOC management support is customized to your unique requirements, IT infrastructure complexity, and security resources.

Enhanced Visibility

We deploy and manage hybrid SOC solutions to offer comprehensive visibility across cloud, on-premises and endpoint environments.

Automated Workflows and Streamlined Operations

We use automation and orchestration tools to streamline security operations tasks and improve efficiency within hybrid SOC.

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Mapping Solutions Together

Hybrid SOC Management Services Overlap


MDR provides double-layered defense to detect and respond to threats across hybrid environments with Hybrid SOC's seamless orchestration.

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Management identifies and plugs gaps in security, while Hybrid SOC ensures coordinated patching across hybrid environments.

IT Infrastructure Support

IT Infrastructure Support streamlines operations and ensures optimal performance, while Hybrid SOC secures operations in your hybrid environment.

Advisory Service

Advisory Service offers expert insights and tailored solutions to guide your strategy, while Hybrid SOC implements it for your specific hybrid needs.


Our Awards & Recognition

Emerging Company of the Year 2020-21
Best PS Partner 2022 Recognized By Splunk
Digital Industry Awards 2018
Best Emerging Technology of the Year 2018

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