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12 Devastating Attacks on Mobile Cell Phones in Cyber Security

According to the reports of India cyber threat report in 2023 & Quickheal, smartphones in India faced three cyberattacks per month on average.

These days, almost everyone has a mobile device as it has become a necessity to sustain in this world, increasing the attack surface. Spending a second without your mobile seems like an unimaginable task as you need it for calling or messaging your friends, entertainment purposes, checking sports, banking, and yeah, so much more.

But what you may not know about these devices is that along with all the smart benefits, it is surfacing as one of the fastest-growing attack spaces. According to a report by financial express, four out of ten mobile devices are vulnerable to cyberattacks. However, managed security device services have proved to be more effective in securing the devices.

If you wonder what makes them a great deal of attraction for cybercriminals and how you can stay safe from such  Data breaches & attacks while using your mobile phones, keep reading this blog as we have mentioned everything about Wireless and mobile device cyberattacks, you need to know about!

What are attacks on mobile phones in cyber security?

A mobile phone attack can be described as an unauthorized action or exploitation activity done using artificial intelligence and machine learning, with the motive to compromise a device’s data integrity, functionality & device’s security. This can involve stealing sensitive information, hijacking resources for malicious purposes, tracking user activities, or disrupting normal operations.

Why do hackers target Mobile devices?

You take your mobile phones wherever you go, and they get exposed to more Mobile networks on a daily basis. Not to mention the fact that mobile phones contain a great deal of personal information and give various access to cybercriminals. 

By assessing your phone, cybercriminals can get the bank details, email, social media accounts, text messages, and other sensitive information. It is like using one device the cybercriminals can get access to all your personal information.  

What are the top 3 types of cyber attacks?

Below are some of common Cyber threats!

  • Phishing attacks

A phishing attack involves sending fraudulent messages to a victim via mediums like SMS, or email, which appear to be from reputable sources with the goal of tempting recipients into revealing confidential information like passwords or financial details (Dr/credit card)  or downloading some kind of malicious software.

  • Mobile malware attacks

Malware involves the usage of malicious software or programs designed specially to damage, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to a victim’s computer Operating systems or networks using spyware, trojans, ransomware, worms, and last but not least a virus.

  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks

This is one of the common and effective attacks done primarily to destroy a computer resource of users by flooding it with heavy traffic causing it to crash. 

12 top mobile security Threats

Below are some of the few mobile device attacks!

1. Unsecured or Open Wi-Fi

There are high risks of connecting your device with unsecured or open Wi-Fi networks like potential eavesdropping or data intercepting by malicious actors.

2. Network Spoofing

This is one of the most common types of attacks on mobile devices!

A cybercriminal creates fake wi-fi networks or tries to manipulate DNS settings with a motive to intercept and manipulate data traffic. This can result in data theft or users being redirected to malicious websites.

3. Mobile Phishing, Smishing, and Vishing

Attackers mainly use these social engineering techniques to entice mobile users into submitting confidential info such as Passwords or finance details.

4. Spyware

It is a kind of virus installed on a user’s device without their consent to steal data, monitor, and get remote control of their devices.

5. Broken Cryptography

Attackers can easily exploit weak or improperly executed encryption methods to intercept and decrypt sensitive data transmission that occurs between devices or over networks.

6. Improper Session Handling

If sessions are not handled properly, it can lead to vulnerabilities that can get manipulated or hijacked by attackers to gain unauthorized access.

7. Physical Security

The data security can be compromised in case your device gets stolen leading to unauthorized use or access to sensitive information.

8. Surveillance, Spying, and Stalkerware

Involves the usage of malicious Mobile apps like adware or software to track communications, activities, and locations of a user without their consent or knowledge.

9. Trojans and Financial Malware

Here the software is displayed as a legitimate app or files to steal login credentials or even control devices remotely.

10. Mobile Device Management (MDM) Exploits

Vulnerabilities in your MDM server can grant an attacker access to your managed devices, leading to manipulation, data leakage, malware distribution & more.

11. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks

Includes the possibility of intercepting and altering the communication between the two parties without their knowledge. Here, malicious actors position themselves between the device and the network it’s communicating with.

12. Ransomware

Spreads majorly via email, websites crippling a small and medium business and individuals by locking their devices or files and then demanding money to unlock them.

8 Wireless Mobile attacks

  • SMiShing

This is a Mobile threat type, that only uses SMS as a medium to trick users into sharing their personal information or clicking on malicious links.

  • War driving

Here, the attacker is searching for vulnerable Wi-fi networks & normally is equipped with the device for this purpose.

  • WEP attack

Here WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) encryption gets exploited to intercept and decrypt data on Wi-Fi networks.

  • WPA attack

Here, an attacker will try exploiting weaknesses in WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) encryption protocols to gain unauthorized access to Wi-Fi networks.

  • Bluejacking

Bluetooth icon on white background

Sending annoying, unsolicited advertising messages to  a bluetooth enabled device with the range.

  • Replay attacks

As the name suggests, It consists of Capturing data transmitted over a network and replaying it, specially to spoof identities.

  • Bluesnarfing

Trying to get access to the contacts, numbers or other stored data of a bluetooth enabled machine.

  • RF jamming

Includes disrupting wireless signals such as bluetooth, wifi deny service or prevent communication in a targeted area.

How do you know if your phone has been cyber attacked?

Below are some of the surefire signs you should look for:

– High Data usage

– Rapid battery drain

– Sluggish performance

– unexpected pop-ups or new apps

– Extra charges on your bill

How to keep your mobile phones safe from cyber-attacks?  

Now you must know why mobile phones are more prone to cyber-attacks, so what can you do to ensure that your mobile phones are secure? 

Follow the following tip that we recommend.

1. Beware of the suspicious URLs  

If you receive an email or invitation to click on a URL that lures you around to win a prize or a free holiday trip, then please don’t click the link. These suspicious emails can lead to cybercrime and may release viruses in your mobile device.

2. Check the software you install  

Almost all the applications require access to your mobile phone’s photos, contacts, and camera. Until and unless they are from a safe application provider, do not click on the link as it can get you in big trouble. Also, ensure that while you are granting the permissions, they match the purpose of the downloaded application.

3. Avoid using the free WiFi networks  

When you connect your device to the free public WiFi network, make sure to check with the staff what the official name of the network is and how secure it is. Cyber attackers can introduce fake WiFi access that would look similar to the original name. For instance, “sh0pping mall” instead of “shopping mall”. Such fake WiFi networks can ask you to provide sensitive information and then, later on, sell it on the dark web.

4. Use an anti-malware solution for endpoint protection

To manage devices and ensure premier-level security, we recommend installing an anti-malware application to defend you from malware in app stores and enhance your mobile device security. Such devices can give a triggered alarm when it finds something suspicious and wipes off the chances to get attacked. In addition, it will also keep on updating your operating system to fix vulnerabilities.

5. Providing Security Training

Educate employees about all the risks and to only connect to a trusted private network to safeguard data.

By implementing the above measures, using data science for threat analysis & maintaining vigilance can for sure enhance your mobile security.

Which mobile platform is most unreliable to attack?

Android is more susceptible than IOS due to its open ecosystem, which means lots of sources to download a particular app apart from Google Play Store, updates at varying speeds & favorite choice of an attacker due to their wider market share.

Industries getting affected by these kinds of Data breach

– Hospitality

– Public Sector

– Healthcare

– Retail and financial services

Don’t let yourself be a victim of these Nightmares!

Mobile devices may offer us great conveniences, but we also cannot deny the fact that they are more susceptible to cyberattacks. Proper network security measures like taking the help of our managed device service from our cyber security experts, can secure you from mobile security threats and protect your personal information and data safe from malicious sources.

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